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We finally got our internet settled today. Thank you for understanding while my husband and I dealt with the no internet situation!

Whenever we need a service done or something fixed here in the UK is when I really miss the US and our customer service. It’s not that people are rude or bad at their jobs here, it just takes forever to get something fixed and any slight inconvenience they reschedule for another day. I don’t want to say it’s laziness, I think it’s just a cultural difference here. People are very lax is what I’ve come to realize, which is nice in some situations, (restaurants and pubs not rushing you for example), but not when you need something major done lol. We had one technician not bring the right tools and rescheduled, then another rescheduled because he needed to access our neighbor’s backyard and our neighbor wouldn’t be home for an hour, then another rescheduled because of the rain. This was a first, usually the rain hinders no one here, because, well it’s England after all. Thankfully, it’s up and running and all good now! I was worried we were about to have a repeat situation of last year when it took almost 3 months to get our shower fixed, but thankfully it wasn’t. I’m convinced God is teaching me how to have more patience out here lol.