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0x25 published on 43 Comments on 0x25

I finally got an update just in time for Christmas. Thanks for being patient with me through this crazy move, our WiFi service sucks right now and we’ve been so go, go, go I can’t catch my breath. I’ll render the background of this later along with the previous page. I care more about the update at the point.

We move into our house tomorrow, I’m super excited! We live literally a 10/15 minute walk from a beautiful cathedral. I’ll try and post photos of it on here in the future. The only downside so far is when won’t have internet until February 9th… that’s the earliest they can come and install it apparently. I will have hotspot from our phone service, which is pretty good, so I’m hoping to be able to upload through that. I will also have my computer and full set up again which I’m super excited about.

England has been a wild ride so far. I’m starting to enjoy British humor, it throws you off at first, but most people are super friendly and pretty laid back here. I find the English are extremely helpful once they realize you’re American. I feel a bit spoiled at times with how helpful they are lol. The most difficult adjustment is finding where to buy certain things. Today my husband and I ran to 4 different stores just to find a coffee maker, but we finally found one thankfully.

This page has the in between moments of what happened on 0x22. It’s extremely rare for Theo to smile, I thought this was the first one but forgot he smiled back on 0x16. I plan on doing a Mando drawing of him at some point, I love the comparison people have made between the two of them.

I have some exciting side projects planned once we settle here in England that I’ll be announcing in a month or so. I also don’t think I posted about this drawing before on here, so here you go! I had to crop it for spoiler-y reasons. Both are future characters in the comic.

Merry Christmas everyone!