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1×04 published on 63 Comments on 1×04

Edit: Jared is feeling much better! He tested negative for the flu and covid, so we think it may have been food poisoning. No bueno. Thank you all for the prayers! We both appreciated it so much <3

Thanks for being patient everyone! I had a crazy week of finishing a bunch of commissions at once and my husband woke up today with flu like symptoms, so we had to get him covid tested, we should know by tomorrow. He does not feel well at all right now, but thankfully he doesn’t have a cough or loss of taste, so I’m hoping it’s only the flu.

A long time ago, I remember someone talking about a tramatic moment on a podcast and surprised by how slow their reaction was to the situation and everyone around them, that it wasn’t like the movies where you react right away. I immediately thought, that’s exactly how Adrien will react when he finds Tamiko. Did you think she was taking a nap? Lol

A page or so ago people were theorizing about Ecrian powers from old comments I mentioned, welp, here’s your first look at them. 🙂 His powers are also making his shout sound almost like a roar, so he can project it farther than a normal person’s shout.

Also, readers Ari and Kiera have made a discord server! I highly recommend joining if you haven’t already, who knows, I may post some fun stuff on there once in awhile. 😉