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0x16 published on 16 Comments on 0x16

Edit 2: I’ll be posting two pages next week. We had a ton of family stuff come up that was super stressful. Everyone is okay! I’ll explain more this next week, but I’m going to just finish this week’s page with the next week’s and post two next weekend. Thanks everyone!

Edit: Update will be Monday! I’m working on a big piece for a contest entry that ends on Wednesday, so I’ve been prioritizing that this week. Thanks for understanding!

Finally got the rendering up! I ended up changing the whispering to faded text on this page and the page before (I’ve updated it). I didn’t like the dotted lines at all. Thanks to, Lover of Dogs, for the great input! I always appreciate suggestions and feedback of what might look better.

I’ll render this more tomorrow. I’m much too tired and don’t want to rush it. The colors and rendering will be much brighter and nicer tomorrow.

Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th, even with the chaos of 2020.