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0x17 published on 16 Comments on 0x17

Thanks to everyone for being patient this last week. A lot of crazy family stuff happened on my Dad’s side of the family, on top of other normal, life things.

My Dad’s uncle suddenly died, long story short, no one has really known where he’s been for years. So it’s really shocking to a lot of people in my family. He’s also younger than my Dad, so it’s just really sad. Then my Dad’s aunt (sister to the uncle who passed) her son had a sudden seizure out of nowhere and hit his head hard on the concrete. He had to be air lifted to Denver from a small town in Northern Colorado. He’s perfectly fine and will be okay, the doctors have no idea what caused the seizure and said he’ll probably never have one again. He’s only 30 too and has never had problems like this before.

Lastly, my aunt (Dad’s sister), fell and broke her hip last week. She had to get her entire hip replaced, but thankfully she’s going to be okay. She’s a fighter too. It’s just been crazy, because they say stuff hit you in waves, but geez.

I only finished up this page this week. I didn’t want to rush a page and after everything I just wanted to doodle and practice some things and not draw a page this week tbh. So I hope you guys understand.


I’ll try and answer messages/comments this week, but my sister-in-law is coming into town, so I’ll be pretty mia this week.

Here’s the finished painting I did for Clip Studio’s contest! There’s a lot of incredible entries that I’ve seen so far. I had a lot of fun with the concept and have always loved the idea of mermaids in space.