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0x19 published on 22 Comments on 0x19

EDIT: Hey everyone! I’m back from vacation. This last week was extremely hectic getting back into the swing of things on top of prepping for our move in November. Today is the first day I’ve been able to work on a page, so I won’t have one up this week. We will be back to normal posting this Sunday! Hope you all have been well!

Hey everyone!

I had a pretty crazy week, so thanks for being patient with the update! I also ended up testing more lighting techniques on this page. I feel like I’m always testing what I like and don’t like. I’m hoping to be more decisive by chapter one lol. (Please forgive the ever changing bricks in the background too, it’s part of the experimenting).

I had a lot of appointments this week for our move to England. The military has a bunch of junk you have to go through and it’s time consuming. The next two weeks, I won’t be updating the comic. I’m flying home to Denver to visit my family and then we’re all flying back here for a week. I plan on sketching out the pages on my iPad, but I don’t have Clip on my iPad, just Procreate. So, I won’t have time to fully color and make a page, plus I want to hang out with my family and focus more on sketches and studies.  The next update will be around Sept. 1st! The next few pages are going to be really good as we’re concluding the prologue here soon! I’m super stoked.

Disqus was being extremely weird with my e-mail and I finally got it fixed. Idk what was going on, but I actually get comments to my e-mail correctly now.

Last Saturday was also our 6th year wedding anniversary! I drew us as our favorite benders from Avatar in celebration for it, Jared loved it: