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I’ll render this tomorrow and finish it up. I didn’t want to make anyone wait any longer. I’m excited for the few next pages. They’re gonna be a lot of fun to work on and we’ll come to the end of the prologue and get to start the main story line. I’m on schedule to finish it before our big move. I’d like to have at least the prologue and the cover art for chapter one done before we head to England.

Speaking of future characters, I did a portrait of a future character this week, EmarĂ©’s mother Aoi Rossi. She’s more of a side character, but I wanted to practice getting her look down. I also posted on my instagram a drawing I did a year ago as a comparison for improvement. I plan on doing more portraits the next few weeks. I want to practice painting and getting a portrait style I like that I could use for my portfolio as well as examples for commissions.

Lastly, on Friday my parent’s truck got broken into right in front of their house on the drive way. They have it all on a security camera and it’s wild to watch how casual the guy was about it. Thankfully, nothing was stolen. My parents live in a decent area, but crime has gone up drastically lately so, it’s common knowledge now to not leave anything in your cars. This is the second time this has happened to them in a year. Last time it caused a big shoot out with their neighbor who went to defend it from the thief (no one was hurt), so I’m super thankful it wasn’t that extreme this time. They’re reporting it to the police but the police have been overwhelmed where my parents live outside Denver, they don’t know if they can really help with finding the guy. I’m mostly worried for my mom because she works at home alone and she doesn’t handle this stuff well, understandably so. They just got a great dane puppy mix, so hopefully a bigger dog (they have a corgi currently) will help my mom feel a bit more safe.