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We went 0 to 100 my friends.

My husband keeps telling me the top panel of Tamiko looks like Saitama from One Punch Man and I can’t unsee it.

I’m still figuring out where to start posting Theora, I found out the plugin for my site might be out of date, so I can’t edit the site without disabling the plugin, which disables the comic on the site. Once we finish the prologue here, I think I’ll take a week to mess around with the site and see what to do. If I have to use another plugin, I’ll have to reupload everything, which is a bummer, but it’s better to do that now than worrying about it later. I’m also debating on putting Theora on my Patreon, I was already planning on doing this then uploading the pages for free later on a “Theora” tab. If I decide to do Patreon, I would make initial pages free and then slowly release the pages for free. I’ll keep you all updated once I figure out what to do.

I watched The Prince of Egypt this week, I always forgot how much I love this movie, had to draw one of my favorite scenes:

I also drew some more Rasha while practicing different coloring methods, this one I used a multiply layer to color/shade, I usually am not a fan of that method, but I felt it worked really well here.