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This page is about 90% done, I’ll finish it up on Monday when I have time. But we have made it to the end of the prologue! I’ll be taking a week off to set up some things on the site and will have the cover for chapter 1 up the week after. Happy one year for the comic as well!


In the meantime:



1. Draw the image above in your style. It can be however you want, I do not want to limit creativity with this. Feel free to change the pose/angle/etc. just keep the concept of the piece.
2. One entry per person please! You may e-mail me at or post here, you may also post on instagram, (once I have the post up tomorrow.) I will be posting the hashtag for people to use there, but it is not required you post on instagram.
3. The classic, have fun.

Deadline: April 28th. I want to give people plenty of time for this, so don’t rush!


1st Place: A fully rendered portrait like the examples below of any character you’d like, (can be fanart as well).

2nd Place: The winner of 2nd place will be decided by raffle. This way everyone has a chance to win something, since I know not everyone who reads are artists. You will win a black and white ink wash style painting of any character you’d like. Examples below:

Thanks for reading! I’m super excited for chapter one. It’s been a long time coming.