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1×32 published on 21 Comments on 1×32

Edit 12/27: Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I am currently working on the page as I write this, so it should be up by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. Thank you for being patient with me for the holiday season. I had a lot of commission work, on top of traveling, and just enjoying Christmas as well.

I’ll be posting more about this with the page, but I know a lot of readers are young artists trying to learn. I happened to get a free year membership to a site that has drawing tutorials called 21draw. They have a copious amount of tutorials for beginner to intermediate artists. I want to give this away to one of you and I asked in the Discord if I should hold a raffle or fan art contest for it and it’s looking like it will be a fan art contest. More info to come with the next page!

Here’s the sketch for the page, line and colors will follow soon!

Insert, “Why are you running?” meme.

I feel much better this week, I caught a small bug, nothing serious. We had to change or sleep schedules a ton for Jared’s work and some events the week before and I think it got to me, ha.

Next week my husband and I are going to Edinburgh! I’m super excited. It’s one of the main cities I’ve wanted to visit when we found out we were coming to the UK. I can’t wait to see some of Scotland too while we’re there. I will keep you all updated if it affects the comic being updated or not.