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Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! Welcome to the first page of the New Year! I promise it will have color soon.

I thought I’d wait till we get to the end of the chapter, as we are very close, however I think it’s better to announce it since it’s the New Year!

Updates for TLOR will now be every Wednesday instead of Sunday! This will help me free up my weekends more and focus on more comic work during the week. I had a lot of commission work after Halloween through the holiday season and it made me realize how important having the weekend completely open to do whatever I want or need to do was to me. Thanks for also understanding while that time was crazy, I know my updates became sporadic, but they will be more consistent now that everything has slowed down. So, starting next week, the comic will be updated on Wednesdays now!

On the previous page you can find all the info about the current contest we have going on here! Make sure to check it out if you’re interested in a free year subscription to 21draw, where they have a ton of tutorials for you to learn how to draw!

The next few pages I think people will enjoy.