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1×24 published on 23 Comments on 1×24

Edit: My husband and I are in Bath this weekend, seeing the beautiful city and the Somerset countryside. My service here is terrible, I have the page colored and the sketch for the next page, but I can’t get it to upload. We should be back home Monday night!

Welcome to Muren!

I’m currently attempting to participate daily in Inktober. I’ve never fully completed the challenge, but I love doing ink drawings so much. I decided it would be a good excuse to practice with my digital watercolor/ink wash brushes I have. Of course, I had to draw Adrien since he’s become such a favorite for readers:

I originally had a page in the script where there were different scenes of Adrien and Tamiko walking on the way to Muren in silence, to add to the lack of communication. I was so indecisive if I still wanted that in there, or if it was unnecessary. So, I’ve skipped it for now. Let me know what you guys think.