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2×45 published on No Comments on 2×45

We met Lieutenant Michel back in 2×05, he’s Cain’s right hand man.

I haven’t gone much into what languages and cultures I’ve based this story off of, and I felt it was a fitting time to explain some of that now, since the comic won’t really hit on this for obvious reasons lol.

It has been hinted already that there are two types of ethnicities in Ecra’Mor, the Ecrians and the Moros. Adrien references this when he says he speaks Ecrian and Moros, but can’t do what Kyan can do with his abilities. More of this will be discussed in the comic of course, but some of the subtle differences between these groups I’m sure people have noticed so far. Moros I’ve based off of Italian/Latin roots. I tend to mix cultures together when making fantasy cultures. Take Solhara for example, I’ve combined Norse/Scandinavian cultures with some Scottish/Celtic mixed in. When looking for names I tend to think about these cultures and languages they would speak, but sometimes I also used what fits right for the character, so it’s not always a hard rule. Tamiko’s name I wanted to be very different from her family, but I understood readers might not pick up on it unless I had EmarĂ© point this out that it was of Xia origin, not Solharan.

I did something similar with “Biaggio”, not only is it of Italian origin but it also means “one who stutters”. I felt it sounded ridiculous enough to fit this character, as he is all over the place.