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3×04 published on No Comments on 3×04

Here are the lines! Our heat went out today, so that put me quite behind trying to figure all that out. We’ve had the worst luck with our boiler out here, our landlord keeps apologizing profusely, but I feel bad for him. It’s only 2 years old, but it’s not his fault, the person who installed it did a horrible job so it constantly breaks. There’s a whole thing here in the UK when you rent you have to have a leasing company that the landlords are required to pay a percentage of the rent to, but they do absolutely nothing LOL. It’s such a hassle to get them to fix anything you end up going to your landlord for everything. Ours is a super sweet, older British gentleman, some people are not so lucky with good landlords, so I’m thankful for that!

Anyways, I mentioned last week that I would go into why I’ve been so mia lately. I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant, our son is due Christmas Day (I love Christmas time so I was over the moon when I first heard the due date.)

I have thankfully had a very healthy, normal pregnancy. No problems with the baby or any severe issues with me, but I had more of the not so fun stuff with pregnancy. The first three months I had severe morning sickness the doctors were worried I had HG (morning sickness where it lasts your entire pregnancy). Thank God I did not! It faded in the second trimester, but I couldn’t move at all those three months. I basically was in bed/on the couch 24/7 playing LoZ, watching kdramas, or sleeping. I also lost about 10lbs, I’m already small so this obviously worried the doctors. I lived off of crackers, fruit, and ginger drops those couple of months lol. Sitting up was not an option so I couldn’t draw really at all. This put me behind on some big commissions, so those started to take precedence over the comic. The second trimester was great, but due to the news a ton of our family came out to see us and wanted to travel England while out here. I am now into the third trimester and have caught up on most of my commission work, I still have a few big ones I’m finishing up, but am only slowed down by hip pain I get from sitting too long, so I can’t work as fast since I have to get up and move/workout every 30 mins compared to 2/3 hours.

So know I am very passionate about this comic still and am trying to update every Wednesday while I can. Obviously when the baby comes I’ll have to take a break from posting regularly. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Thanks for being patient with me during this time and continuing to be interested in my comic. I know I’ve been horrible at keeping things updated, but I also wanted to wait to announce the pregnancy.