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1×05 published on 109 Comments on 1×05

Finally catching up from the chaos from last week. Jared is doing much better, thank you all for the love and prayers, we appreciate it!

I’ll write more tomorrow, as it’s really late here in the UK.

Adrien out here saving one deer life at a time.

I finally got images to work again, so I wanted to post the winners to the DTIYS again, because they deserve their work to be seen. I’ve been working on a tab to put events and other content like this in the future, I promise to post the DTIYS entries there once I get it to work.

First place:

Second Place:

Click to view their instagrams if you haven’t already!

We can finally go and eat inside places as of yesterday. Jared and I are excited to actually be able to see places and not just order food for delivery lol. The local farmers market has opened back up as well, I’m excited to try it this weekend, hoping it doesn’t rain. Which, knowing England it definitely will.

I put in the discord an Adrien playlist and an updated EmarĂ© playlist, the other had songs on it that didn’t make sense to her story anymore and I added some happier ones in there that fit her. I started trying to make some more playlist for future characters, which lead me to draw this of Eon:

Eon is one of my favorites, if not my favorite character. Sadly, this is the most I can show of him lol. This was inspired by Where I Belong by Switchfoot.