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It’s a miracle, a colored page! I’ve honestly been putting off coloring pages on purpose, until I found a work flow where I really like the results, consistently. Maybe it’s an artist curse to always go back and forth, but I’ve finally found something that doesn’t take forever and incorporates multiple elements I love from other comics/art styles. I really enjoyed making this page, too. I’m sure Cain is not really popular with the readers, but he’s fun to write and draw lol. I kept Adrien’s bed head for now, because in the rush he’s in, there’s no way he’d fix his hair, and it fits his laid back personality.

Remember the Kyan and Tamiko pixel avatars I got? Well, I got Adrien and EmarĂ©’s in! I have to find somewhere on the site to incorporate them now.

Vacation was a blast, as well. Thanks for all the well wishes! I always love going up North and to Scotland especially. The UK is the opposite of America, the more North you go the friendlier the people. I wouldn’t say people in the South are unfriendly either, just more introverted.

Stirling, Scotland and Scarborough, England were my favorite spots. Both could be straight out of Ghibli movie. I always see Brits making fun of the UK and how’s it boring, but there are some beautiful hidden gems here honestly. Scarborough was a total accident on our trip too, we wanted to stay in York again, but everything was booked. I found a cute Airbnb an hour away in Scarborough and I’m so glad I did! My parents absolutely loved it there. Nothing beats finding beautiful places on accident.

We also missed the massive festival in Edinburgh by two days, and apparently it was even more packed afterwards. That was another happy accident! I had no idea about all the August Festivals the UK has. Since schools here stay in session longer, August tends to have a lot of stuff going on for the short summer break.