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2×46 published on No Comments on 2×46

Edit 3/22: I’ve had a splitting migraine that won’t go away. Update will be tomorrow or Friday at the latest!

Here is the Google Doc with all the fan art entries! Thanks for being patient with everything going on in my personal life. Things are slowly calming down.

Fan Art Entries

The middle is an illustration I’ve been working on for this page, I’m hoping to finish it soon for this page but it will also be a separate illustration.

Everyone has been curious about Eon, so here we get a slight snippet into him. I found it interesting people thought he was EmarĂ©’s brother, but I do tend to draw him younger, as that’s where a lot of his story relevance takes place.

This was also an illustration of Eon and his wife (EmarĂ©’s mom) I did last year.